Utilizing your summer garden
Each summer, it happens naturally, plants grow and blossom. Some plants will produce edible fruits and others will be edible themselves.
These plants will wither and die in the winter, but I remember the taste of that vine ripe tomato or that handful of sugar snap peas. Though without a green house with controlled climate you cannot get that kind of freshness in the winter there are several options. Preserving the harvest becomes a summer job with options that will depend on space and time.
Dehydration: The removal of moisture from the fruit or veggie. Sun dried or with the use of a dehydrator, this technique allows you to use the items dry or re-hydrated. This is the most space conscious of the techniques. Mason jars with tight lids, plastic bags or vac-sealed bags are some of the ways to store dehydrated foods.
image thanks to www.survivopedia.com
Freezing: Reducing the temperature of the item until ready for thawing and use. Freezing does take time to do properly so your food will come out of the freezer in good shape but also demands room in your freezer.
Canning: This technique is more time consuming and detailed but allows for more variety and is actually not difficult. The enjoyment of seeing your jars of creations is quite satisfying but will take up more room on a shelf.
Personal choice, time and space all come into account when choosing how you decide to preserve your summer harvest and exactly what to preserve. In the coming weeks we will take each vegetable and discuss how to store each one.
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